Derawar Fort Tour


The Derawar Fort is a large square fortress in Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan. The fortress’s forty bastions can be seen from a distance in the Cholistan Desert. The walls, which are up to 30 m high, have a circumference of 1500 m. The fortress was built by Rai Jajja Bhatti, a Rajput ruler of the Bhatti clan. It was built in the 9th century as a tribute to Rawal Deoraj Bhatti, a Rajput king from the area around Jaisalmer and Bahawalpur.

The fortress was originally called DeraRawal and later DeraRawar, of which the current name Derawar derived. In the 18th century, the Muslim Nawabs of Bahawalpur took over the fortress from the Shahotra tribe. Although historically significant, it is a symbol of the Cholistan Desert. The fortress was included in the list of sites proposed for inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2016.

Derawar Fort (Qila Derawar) is in good condition, its walls are intact. The tombs of the Amirs of Bahawalpur, decorated with attractive blue glazed tiles contrasting with the ochre landscape of the Fort. Some of the cannons which were used times ago by the Army of Bahawalpur are also displayed in this fort.

Duration: 2 Days



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